Izzy´s eBook Library - Books tagged History
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The Jews in Babylonia in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah by Samuel Daiches
History of the Hebrews second commonwealth by Isaac Mayer Wise
Megillat Taanit as a source for Jewish chronology and history in the Hellenistic and Roman periods by Solomon Zeitlin
Opera 6 by Flavius Josephus
The history of the siege and destruction of Jerusalem by Flavius Josephus
Opera 4 by Flavius Josephus
Opera 7 by Flavius Josephus
Opera 1 by Flavius Josephus
The Antiquities of the Jews and the Jewish Wars by Flavius Josephus
The Jewish war by Flavius Josephus
The works of Flavius Josephus by Flavius Josephus
Opera 3 by Flavius Josephus
Dissolving views in the history of Judaism by Solomon Schindler
The Jew in history by Leon Levison
History of the mediaeval Jews by Maurice Henry Harris
The story of the Jew by Maurice Henry Harris
A thousand years of Jewish history by Maurice Henry Harris
History of the Jews, Vol. I (of 6) by Heinrich Graetz
History of the Jews, Vol. II (of 6) by Heinrich Graetz
History of the Jews, Vol. III (of 6) by Heinrich Graetz
History of the Jews, Vol. IV (of 6) by Heinrich Graetz
History of the Jews, Vol. V (of 6) by Heinrich Graetz
History of the Jews, Vol. VI (of 6) by Heinrich Graetz
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