Izzy´s eBook Library - The Apocalypse Troll by David Weber

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Title: The Apocalypse Troll

Author: David Weber

ISBN: 0-671-57845-6 Amazon.COM Google.COM BookCrossing.COM EuroBuch.COM

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Tags: Science Fiction

Publisher: Baen Books

The Apocalypse Troll
Author: David Weber
Topic: Science Fiction
Pubisher: Baen Books
Copyright: 1999 by David Weber
Cover art: Charles Keegan
Source: BaenEBooks

This is the story of a marine who witnesses an intense air battle and rescues a downed pilot who turns out to be from the future. She was shot down by an interstellar enemy that she chased through time and space on their way to "Terran" to eliminate humans before they can win the war they are fighting in the future.


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