Izzy´s eBook Library - March to the Sea by David Weber, John Ringo

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Title: March to the Sea

Author: David Weber, John Ringo

ISBN: 0-671-31826-8 Amazon.COM Google.COM BookCrossing.COM EuroBuch.COM

Title-Search: Amazon.DE Buchfreund.DE ZVAB.COM Terrashop.DE

Tags: Science Fiction

Serie: Empire of Man (Weber) (#2)

Publisher: Baen Books

March to the Sea
Author: David Weber
Author: John Ringo
Topic: Science Fiction
Publisher: Baen Books
Cover art: Patrick Turner
Copyright: 2001 by David Weber & John Ringo
Source: BaenEBooks

March to the Sea is the second novel in the science fiction series of the Empire of Man by David Weber and John Ringo. It tells the story of Prince Roger MacClintock and his remaining bodyguards of the Empress' Own Regiment who get marooned on the alien planet of Marduk due to an act of sabotage on their ship, and must continue fighting their way towards the planetary space port in order to get back home to Earth. The book appeared on the New York Times best seller list.


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