Anything You Can Do
Author: Randall Garrett
Origin: Project Gutenberg
Source: MobileRead
What do you do when an alien with exceptional physical abilities crash lands on
Earth and leaves a path of death and destruction in its wake? You use
biological modification to create an enhanced human able to match the alien in
strength and speed. But is the result still human? Find the answer to this
question in Randall Garrett's novel Anything You Can Do...
His novel "Anything You Can Do" was first published as a two part serial in
the May and June 1962 issues of Analog magazine. It was substantially expanded
and published in hardbound by Doubleday in 1963. There have been two US
paperback editions: Lancer 1969 and Leisure Books as "Earth Invader"
publication date unknown. Fortunately readers interested in this title can
download it for free from Project Gutenberg and read it on an e-reader. Used
paper copies are available for sale on Amazon.
Readers of science fiction novels quickly become aware that most, but not
all, stories tend to gravitate into broad categories such as: time travel,
alternate histories, space adventures, or beings with extraordinary abilities.
"Anything You Can Do" fit very neatly into those stories concerning an alien
being loose in society. Usually the alien is masquerading as a human making
detection nearly impossible but in this case author Garrett presents us with a
three-foot alien with four eyes, a taste for human flesh that looks like a
centipede . Further discussion of the plot would give away certain details that
could spoil the pleasure of reading this book.
(an Amazon reader)