Izzy´s eBook Library - A sketch of the Talmud 1 by Isidor Kalisch

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Title: A sketch of the Talmud 1

Author: Isidor Kalisch

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Tags: Judaica

Serie: A sketch of the Talmud (Kalisch) (#1)

A sketch of the Talmud
Subtitle: the world renowned collection of Jewish traditions
Author: Kalisch, Isidor, 1816-1886; Kalisch, Isidor, 1816-1886
Volume: 1
Subject: Talmud; Cabala -- Early works to 1800
Publisher: New York : L.H. Frank
Year: 1877
Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT
Language: English; Hebrew
Call number: 483286
Digitizing sponsor: MSN
Book contributor: Princeton Theological Seminary Library
Source: archive.org

This book has an editable web page on Open Library.

It is my design in publishing a "Sketch of the Talmud,'' to recall men from prepossessed partial views, to truth.

The fate and history of the literary productions of the Jewish people in the different countries all over the habitable globe, found everywhere interpreters and expounders.

But the Talmud, which is the principal source of Judaism and is an important historical document of a period of seven hundred years, showing and explaining clearly the development and retardation of Judaism, and containing much which is of great importance to the knowledge and history of the Bible, although it still requires that the torch of criticism should throw light upon it, is very seldom used properly, or is ignored altogether. (See Dr. A. Geiger's posthumous works, Yol. II, p. 127.) […]

(from the preface)

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