Izzy´s eBook Library - In the Pale - stories and legends of the Russian Jews by Henry Iliowizi

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Title: In the Pale - stories and legends of the Russian Jews

Author: Henry Iliowizi

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Tags: Judaica

In the Pale
Subtitle: stories and legends of the Russian Jews
Author: Iliowizi, Henry, 1850-1911
Subject: Jews; Legends, Jewish; Tales
Publisher: Philadelphia : Jewish publication society of America
Year: 1897
Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT
Language: English
Digitizing sponsor: Google
Book from the collections of: University of California
Source: Archive.org

This book has an editable web page on Open Library.


Ezra and Huldah.-The Baal-Shem and his golem.-Friends in life and death.-Czar Nicholas the First and Sir Moses Monteflore.-The Czar in Rothchild's castle.-The legend of the ten lost tribes.-The legend of the B'nai Mosheh

Download: ePub (243kB) 

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