Izzy´s eBook Library - Maza of the Moon by Otis Adelbert Kline

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Title: Maza of the Moon

Author: Otis Adelbert Kline

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Tags: Science Fiction

Maza of the Moon
Author: Otis Adelbert Kline
Year: 1930

Ted Dustin, an American inventor, seeks to win a prize of one million dollars by being the first person to touch the moon with an object launched from Earth. He devises a huge gun, which fires upon the surface of the moon. Shortly thereafter, the moon fires back, and war breaks out between the planet and its satellite. Using a videophone he invented, Ted hails communication with the moon. A beautiful woman and her guards first reply, but their transmission is cut off by warlike yellow aliens. Ted eventually heads to the moon in a spacecraft of his own design, and meets the titular character, who turns out to be the beautiful woman from the transmission, as well as a princess of one of the two groups that inhabit the moon.


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