Izzy´s eBook Library - History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, Volume 2 [of 3] / From the Death of Alexander I until the Death of Alexander III (1825-1894) by Simon Dubnow

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Title: History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, Volume 2 [of 3] / From the Death of Alexander I until the Death of Alexander III (1825-1894)

Author: Simon Dubnow

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Tags: Judaica

Serie: History of the Jews in Russia and Poland (Dubnow) (#2)

Publisher: The Jewish Publication Society of America

History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, Volume 2 [of 3]
Subtitle: From the Death of Alexander I until the Death of Alexander III (1825-1894)
Author: Simon Dubnow
Translation: Israel Friedlaender
Publisher: The Jewish Publication Society of America
Published: 1918
eBook created: 2005-04-30
Topic: Russia -- History
Topic: Jews -- Russia -- History
Topic: Jews -- Poland -- History
Topic: Poland -- History
Source: Project Gutenberg

It was originally proposed to give the history of Russian Jewry after 1825—the year with which the first volume concludes—in a single volume. This, however, would have resulted in producing a volume of unwieldy dimensions, entirely out of proportion to the one preceding it. It has, therefore, become imperative to divide Dubnow's work into three, instead of into two, volumes. The second volume, which is herewith offered to the public, treats of the history of Russian Jewry from the death of Alexander I. (1825) until the death of Alexander III. (1894). The third and concluding volume will deal with the reign of Nicholas II., the last of the Romanovs, and will also contain the bibliographical apparatus, the maps, the index, and other supplementary material. This division will undoubtedly recommend itself to the reader. The next volume is partly in type, and will follow as soon as circumstances permit.

(from the Intro)

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