Izzy´s eBook Library - Schnurrdiburr / Buzz a Buzz by Wilhelm Busch

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Title: Schnurrdiburr / Buzz a Buzz

Author: Wilhelm Busch

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Tags: Humor

Publisher: MobileRead

Schnurrdiburr / Buzz a Buzz
Author: Wilhelm Busch
Illustrator: Wilhelm Busch
Translator: Hezekiah Watkins
Translator: William C. Cotton
Editor: e.c.menting
Publisher: MobileRead
Originally published: 1872
eBook published: 2021-05-07
Topics: Children’s Picture Books, Poetry, Humour, Bee-keeping
Copyright: Public domain worldwide
Origin: Hathi
Origin: Archive.Org
Origin: Archive.Org
Source: MobileRead

Schnurrdiburr Oder Die Bienen. Deutsch & English. MobileRead Edition.

This is a story in comical pictures and rhyme, in which the bees are humanized. The human characters find themselves in many strange and silly, and sometimes scary, situations.

I’ll sing of Johnny Dull: his pig,
Made by his bees exceeding big;
And of his daughter fair Christine,
Of her lover Dicky Dean,
And of his nephew rogue Eugene—
Of honey-robbers I will tell,
And bears, and bull-frogs, ghosts as well.

Wilhelm Busch spent part of his childhood with his uncle, George Klein, who was a clergyman and an experienced beekeeper, and incorporated numerous natural history facts in this story.


  • … Cover
  • … About This eBook
  • Schnurrdiburr
  • Buzz a Buzz [Watkins]
  • Buzz a Buzz [Cotton]

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